Property:Spikelet coloration

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Types of spikelet coloration


Parts of spikelet coloration


Showing 521 pages using this property.
straw colored  +
straw colored  +
greenish purple  +
greenish  +, purplish  +
brownish yellow  +, purplish or rarely greenish  +
greenish  +, purplish brown  +
stramineous or brownish  +, yellowish green  +
greenish  +, light brownish  +
tinged  +, yellowish  +
greenish  +, purplish  +
green  +, suffused with purple  +
tinged with purple  +, yellow-green  +
greenish  +, tinged with purple  +, yellowish  +
purplish  +
green  +, tinged with purple  +
greenish  +, purplish  +
purplish  +
dark-brown  +, purplish  +
greenish  +, tinged with purple  +, yellowish  +
green  +, yellowish green  +
purple  +, yellowish green  +
green  +, tinged with purple  +, yellowish green or yellow  +
green  +, tawny  +
green  +, tinged with purple  +
greenish purple  +
green  +, suffused with purple  +
green  +, purple  +
greenish purple  +
brownish  +, greenish  +, purplish  +
silvery-green  +, stramineous or purplish  +
purplish  +, reddish-purple-tinged  +
silvery-green  +, stramineous  +
green and purple-tinged  +
purplish-tinged  +, violet-gray  +
purplish  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
green  +, purple  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
tawny  +, tinged with green  +
green  +, olive-green  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
green  +, purplish  +
purplish  +
reddish purple  +
brownish  +, greenish  +
grayish-green  +
grayish-green  +
dark purple  +, green  +
dark purple  +, green  +
dark purple  +, green  +
light-brown  +
light-brown  +
light-brown  +
light-brown  +
purple-tinged  +
purplish  +
not purple-tinged  +
purplish  +
purplish  +
purplish  +
not purple-tinged  +
red  +, redbrown or dull brown  +
dark-brown  +, redbrown  +
dark-brown  +, redbrown  +
dark-brown  +, redbrown  +
redbrown  +
chestnut-brown  +, redbrown  +
brown  +, dull  +, greenish  +
pale-brown  +, redbrown  +
purple  +, reddish  +
pale green  +
light  +, medium brown  +
light  +, medium brown  +
light  +, medium brown  +
tawny  +
dark gray  +, mottled  +, pale  +
black  +, dark-brown  +
greenish white  +
greenish  +, reddish-brown  +
greenish brown  +, purplish brown  +
beige  +, greenish or reddish-brown  +
greenish white  +
dark-brown  +, yellowish-brown  +
dark-brown  +, yellowish-brown  +
dark-brown  +, yellowish-brown  +
dark-brown  +, yellowish-brown  +
reddish  +, reddish-brown  +
reddish  +, whitish green  +
deep reddish-brown  +, light-brown  +
grayish  +, greenish  +, stramineous  +
golden brown  +, greenish yellow  +
reddish-brown  +
greenish white  +
reddish  +
greenish or brownish  +, whitish  +
pale greenish  +, stramineous  +, white  +
greenish  +, reddish-brown  +
greenish white  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
olivaceous or purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
purple-tinged  +
purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
purplish  +, yellowish-green  +
green  +, purplish  +
purplish  +, yellow-green  +
purplish  +, yellow-green  +
purplish  +, yellow-green  +
purplish-stained  +
purplish  +
purple-tinged  +
blackish-brown  +, purplish  +
green and pale  +
greenish  +, purplish  +
greenish  +, purple  +
purplish  +
greenish  +
reddish-brown  +
purplish  +
reddish-brown  +
purplish  +
purplish  +
pale yellowish-brown  +
purplish  +
plumbeous  +
greenish  +, reddish-purple  +
plumbeous  +, purplish  +
plumbeous  +
grayish  +, greenish  +, reddish-purple  +
greenish  +, plumbeous  +
yellowish-brown  +
yellowish-brown  +
greenish  +, stramineous  +
reddish-purple  +, stramineous  +
plumbeous  +, yellowish  +
greenish-gray  +, plumbeous  +
plumbeous  +, stramineous  +
purplish  +, stramineous  +
stramineous with a reddish-purple tinge  +
plumbeous  +
plumbeous  +, reddish-purple  +
greenish-yellow  +, plumbeous and with a reddish-purple tinge  +
greenish with purplish tinges  +
greenish-yellow  +, purplish  +
olivaceous  +, purplish  +
whitish and hyaline  +, yellowish-brown  +
plumbeous  +, stramineous  +
plumbeous  +, reddish-purple  +
light yellowish  +, mottled with red  +
gray-green  +, purplish  +
gray-green  +, purplish  +
gray-green  +, purplish  +
grayish  +, greenish  +, mostly reddish-purple  +
stramineous with a reddish-purple tinge  +
plumbeous  +
dark reddish-purple  +, plumbeous  +, yellowish-brown  +
dark reddish-purple  +, plumbeous  +, yellowish-brown  +
dark reddish-purple  +, plumbeous  +, yellowish-brown  +
dark reddish-purple  +, plumbeous  +, yellowish-brown  +
plumbeous  +
greenish  +, plumbeous  +
plumbeous  +, stramineous  +
purplish  +, stramineous  +
greenish  +, stramineous  +
greenish  +, plumbeous  +
stramineous  +
reddish-purple  +, stramineous  +
stramineous  +
olivaceous  +
light greenish  +, stramineous  +
greenish  +, stramineous  +
dark reddish-purple  +, plumbeous  +
grayish-green  +, purplish  +
greenish-yellow with a reddish-purple tinge  +
greenish-gray  +, plumbeous  +
purplish  +, straw-colored  +
pale  +, purplish  +
purplish  +, reddish  +
green  +, violet  +
brown or redbrown  +, tan  +
brown  +, redbrown  +
pale-brown  +, redbrown  +
chestnut-brown  +, dull brown  +
greenish brown  +, yellowbrown  +
pale-brown  +, redbrown  +
brown  +, chestnut-brown  +
dark redbrown  +
light-brown  +, pale green  +
brownish  +, greenish brown  +
brown  +, pale  +
rusty brown  +
greenish  +
yellowish-green  +
dark-brown  +, green  +
pale greenish  +, reddish-brown  +
pale greenish  +, reddish-brown  +
greenish  +, tinged with purple  +, yellowish  +
green  +, tan  +
green  +, straw-colored  +
dark olive  +, green  +, light-brown  +
green  +, magenta  +, maroon  +
green  +, magenta  +, maroon  +
green  +, magenta  +, maroon  +
green but straw-colored  +
green  +, magenta  +
purple-tinged  +
purplish  +
brown  +, green  +, purple  +,
dark green  +, plumbeous  +
grayish-green  +
green  +, purplish  +
bronze  +, brownish  +, purplish  +
light grayish  +
purple-tinged  +
purplish  +, yellowish-brown  +
brownish  +, purplish  +
purplish  +
brown or purplish  +, stramineous  +
pale greenish  +, yellowish  +
dark purplish  +, plumbeous  +
dark green  +, plumbeous  +
purplish  +, yellowish  +
bluish  +, purplish  +
usually pale  +, yellowish-green  +
usually pale  +, yellowish-green  +
purplish  +
dark green  +, purple-tinged  +
purplish  +
light green  +, red-purple  +
light green  +, red-purple  +
light green  +, red-purple  +
light green  +, red-purple  +
reddish-brown  +
pale green  +, slightly reddish  +
green tinged with purple  +
pale green  +
green  +, purple  +, purple-tinged  +
green  +, purple  +, purple-tinged  +
green  +, purple  +, purple-tinged  +
green  +, purplish  +
green  +, purplish-tinged  +
green  +, purplish-stained  +
stramineous  +
yellowbrown  +
light or golden brown  +, stramineous  +
dark-brown  +, light  +
stramineous  +
dark-brown  +, light  +
brown  +, purple-tinged  +, stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +, white  +
stramineous  +
light-brown  +
stramineous  +
dark-brown  +
light stramineous  +, white  +
light-brown  +, stramineous  +
light stramineous  +, white  +
dark-brown  +, light  +
stramineous  +
light-brown  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, purple-tinged  +, stramineous  +
purplish  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, dark  +, olive green  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
green  +, light green  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
brown  +, stramineous  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
light stramineous  +
light-brown  +
green  +, purple  +
anthocyanic  +
anthocyanic  +
green  +, partly purple to dark purple  +
anthocyanic  +, green  +
dark purple  +
anthocyanic  +
anthocyanic  +
purplish  +
anthocyanic  +, drab  +, green  +
anthocyanic  +, drab  +, green  +
anthocyanic  +, drab  +, green  +
anthocyanic  +
anthocyanic  +
anthocyanic  +
greenish purple  +, purplish bronze  +
green  +, purple  +
brown  +, yellowbrown  +
brownish  +, olive-green  +
brownish  +, olive-green  +
nearly white  +, pale-brown  +
dark redbrown  +
pale redbrown  +
pale redbrown  +
brown  +, pale redbrown  +
orangish tint  +, redbrown  +
dark redbrown  +, dark-brown  +
brown  +, pale redbrown  +
light-brown  +
dark redbrown  +
light-redbrown  +
dark redbrown  +
brown  +, redbrown  +
deep brown  +, redbrown  +
brown  +, mostly dark-brown  +
brown  +, mostly dark-brown  +
light-redbrown  +
brown  +, light-redbrown  +
brown  +, light-redbrown  +
brown  +, light-redbrown  +
light-redbrown  +
pale redbrown  +
nearly black  +, redbrown  +
nearly white  +, pale-brown  +
light-redbrown  +
dark redbrown  +, dark-brown  +
light-brown  +
dark-brown  +
pale redbrown  +
tan  +, whitish  +
dark redbrown  +, light  +
deep brown  +, light-redbrown  +
brown  +, light-redbrown  +
dark-brown  +, redbrown  +
orangebrown  +
light-redbrown  +
greenish  +
dark redbrown  +
straw-colored  +
purple  +, straw-colored  +
purple  +, straw-colored  +
purple  +, straw-colored  +
straw-colored  +
gray  +, white  +
straw-colored  +
dark purple  +, green  +
black  +, dark purple  +, very  +
black  +, dark purple  +, very  +
brown  +
purplish  +, stramineous  +
dark chestnut-brown  +
dark-brown  +, golden brown  +
greenish  +, purplish  +
brownish  +, purplish  +
purplish-tinged  +, stramineous  +
purplish-tinged  +, stramineous  +
purplish-tinged  +, stramineous  +
purplish-tinged  +, stramineous  +
purplish-tinged  +, stramineous  +
plumbeous  +, whitish  +
dark green  +
brownish  +, plumbeous  +, purplish-tinged  +
purplish-brown  +
greenish  +, plumbeous  +
grayish  +, yellowish-green  +
greenish  +, plumbeous  +
plumbeous  +
purplish-brown  +
plumbeous  +, whitish  +
light brownish  +, plumbeous  +
greenish  +, plumbeous  +
purplish-red  +
purplish  +
cream-colored  +, purple-tinged  +, yellowish  +
purplish-brown  +
purplish-red  +
brownish  +, plumbeous  +
plumbeous  +, purplish  +
purplish-brown  +
purplish-tinged  +
purplish or grayish-mottled  +, yellowish  +
purplish or grayish-mottled  +, yellowish  +
purplish or grayish-mottled  +, yellowish  +
grayish  +, purplish-tinged  +, yellowish-white  +
greenish  +, purplish  +
purplish  +
dark purple  +, pale  +
dark purple  +, pale  +
purplish  +
purplish  +
purplish  +
darker  +
reddish-brown or bronze-colored  +, yellowish  +
green  +, purplish  +
purple-tinged  +