Property:Tepal coloration

Revision as of 04:16, 30 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer

Types of tepal coloration


Parts of tepal coloration


Showing 891 pages using this property.
light-brown  +
light-brown  +
light-brown  +
white;fading;white  +
rose-purple  +
pink;rose-purple or white  +
dark red;pink;dark red;pink;white  +
light pink  +
white;pale-pink;deep reddish purple  +
white;rarely;reddish purple  +
white;pink;reddish  +
lilac;white  +
white;reddish purple  +
white;reddish purple  +
white;reddish purple  +
purplish  +
rose;purple  +
white;pink or lavender  +
white;lavender-pink  +
white;pink  +
white;pink  +
light pink;purple  +
light pink;rose  +
fading;tinged with red;bright-yellow  +
pink;purplish  +
pinkish  +
rose-purple  +
white;pinkish or purple  +
tinged pink;white  +
reddish purple  +
pink;rose-purple  +
light pink;purple  +
greenish yellow;red;pink;red;pink;white  +
pinkish;white  +
dingy white;reddish purple  +
purple;pale lavender or white  +
white;pink or pale lavender  +
white;pale lavender  +
yellowish white  +
pink;white  +
white;rose  +
white;pale-pink  +
pink;purplish  +
white;pink or pale lavender  +
with pinkish midveins;white  +
white;usually pink or lavender  +
flushed;white  +
pale-pink;white  +
white;deep pink  +
pink;whitish  +
pinkish;white  +
white  +
white;pink  +
white;rose-purple  +
pink;red  +
pinkish white;white  +
rose-colored  +
white  +
pink;white  +
pinkish;purple  +
pale-pink  +
pink;red  +
tinged with pink;white  +
light pink  +
reddish purple  +
rose;pale-pink;white  +
pink;pale-pink;white  +
bright pink;rose  +
pink;white  +
white;pinkish  +
white;pale-pink  +
pink;white  +
white;pink  +
greenish white;pink  +
white;pink;pale-purple;deep lilac  +
reddish purple;pinkish;white  +
pink  +
reddish purple  +
pinkish  +
pink;white  +
white;pink  +
white;pink  +
white;cream or yellowish  +
white;cream or yellowish  +
white;cream or yellowish  +
flushed with pink;white  +
white;bright pink  +
greenish white;white  +
greenish;purple  +
white;pink  +
blue  +, purple  +
dark purple  +
spotted;white;green;white;green;purple;orange;red  +
greenish;brown;spotted purplish;red;wine  +
green  +, stramineous  +
stramineous  +, whitish  +
stramineous  +, whitish  +
stramineous  +
stramineous  +
white  +
white;pale-pink  +
greenish white  +
white;pale-pink  +
white  +
white  +
white  +
light orange  +, reddish  +
light orange  +, reddish  +
green;striped brownish;golden yellow  +
yellow  +
striped;yellowish orange  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
light pink-purple  +
light pink-purple  +
blue  +, mauve  +
white;blue;white;blue  +
light blue;lavender  +
bluish violet;pale blue  +
bluish violet  +
bluish violet;bright blue or creamy white  +
bluish violet;bright blue or creamy white  +
bluish violet;bright blue or creamy white  +
bluish violet;blue  +
violet;light bluish  +
bright blue;deep bluish violet  +
pale-bluish-violet  +
pale;deep blue or bluish violet  +
pale;deep bluish violet  +
blue-violet;pale blue  +
whitish;light blue  +
pinkish  +, silvery white  +
pink  +, purple  +, red  +, ,
greenish  +, greenish white  +, pinkish green  +,
darker  +, tan  +, whitish  +
silvery  +, tannish  +, whitish  +
yellow;white;greenish white  +
yellow;white;greenish white  +
orange  +, scarlet  +
orange  +, scarlet  +
pinkish;white  +
blue;purple  +
rose  +, white  +
dark purple  +, maroon  +, red  +
dark purple  +, maroon  +, red  +
dark purple  +, maroon  +, red  +
rose  +, white  +
dark rose  +, red  +
rose  +, white  +
pink  +, white  +
rose  +, white  +
white  +, yellow  +
rose  +, white  +
lavender or rose  +, white  +
maroon  +, red  +
green  +, white  +, yellow  +
greenish white  +
claret red  +
yellow;yellowish green  +
green;brown;spotted purplish;white;greenish white  +
creamy white  +
orange  +, red  +
greenish  +, purple-tinged  +
purple;greenish;purple;greenish;whitish  +
greenish;whitish  +
greenish;whitish  +
tinged purple  +
yellow;light blue  +
yellow  +
reddish  +
violet;pink;violet;pink;yellow;white  +
lavender;blue;lavender;blue;tinged pink;white  +
reddish dots;tinged light;dark purple-red  +
reddish dots;tinged light;dark purple-red  +
reddish dots;tinged light;dark purple-red  +
pale-yellow;pinkish;white  +
violet;pink;violet;pink;yellow;white  +
white;creamy white  +
pinkish;bright-yellow;white  +
dark purple;darker;violet;pink  +
pinkish;white  +
lavender;blue;lavender;blue;tinged pink;white  +
white;creamy white  +
pinkish;white;creamy white  +
bronze;yellow  +
darker;pale-pink;white  +
pinkish purple;bright-yellow;white  +
pinkish;bright-yellow;white  +
darkest;shading;pink  +
clear violet-pink  +
orange;tinged red-purple;yellow  +
pinkish;bright-yellow;white  +
tinged brown-purple;yellow  +
tinged brown-purple;yellow  +
tinged brown-purple;yellow  +
pink  +, red  +, white  +,
flushed with purple  +, white  +
pink  +, red  +
brownish purple;pale yellowish green clearly mottled yellow or purple or unmottled  +
greenish;purplish brown adaxially  +
white;mottled yellow;purplish brown  +
dark-brown;greenish purple or yellowish green  +
dark-brown;greenish purple or yellowish green  +
dark-brown;greenish purple or yellowish green  +
pinkish;purplish  +
spotted with yellow;streaked;brown;brownish purple  +
greenish;brown and yellow;mottled rusty  +
mottled with yellow;red;purple  +
greenish marked;purplish  +
striped green;white  +
mottled;purplish;greenish white  +
greenish yellow  +
yellow;mottled greenish;yellow;purplish  +
pinkish purple  +
brick-red;lined brown;yellow;orange  +
pink shading;white  +
checkered with yellow adaxially and purple;scarlet  +
striped red;white;pink  +
not mottled;black;pale green to almost  +
white;greenish  +
greenish white  +
colored  +
reddish purple  +, white streak  +
colored  +
light purple  +, pink  +, white streak  +
cream  +, darker greenish  +, purple  +, ,
golden brown;green;coppery  +
purplish black;greenish white;yellowish;purplish black;greenish white;yellowish;white  +
purplish black;greenish white;yellowish;purplish black;greenish white;yellowish;white  +
purplish black  +
yellowish white  +
whitish;greenish or yellowish white  +
green;purplish-pink  +
green;purplish-pink  +
yellow;uniformly pale;bright lemon  +
blue  +, mauve  +
bluish purple  +, violet  +
tinged with purple;green  +
rosy red;salmon  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
creamy white;greenish or purple-tinged  +
creamy white;greenish or purple-tinged  +
creamy white;greenish or purple-tinged  +
purplish violet;bluish purple;purplish violet;bluish purple;white  +
purplish violet  +
bluish purple  +
pink;white;violet-blue  +
tinged green;white  +
tinged green;white  +
tinged green;white  +
tinged green  +
tinged green;white  +
greenish white  +
green-striped;white  +
green-striped;white  +
yellow-green;pale green  +
tinged green;white  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
yellow;greenish  +
pink  +, red-maroon  +, white  +
yellow-green  +
hyaline  +, stramineous  +, whitish  +
stramineous  +, whitish  +
hyaline  +, white  +
greenish  +, light-brown  +
dark reddish-brown  +
greenish  +, straw-colored  +
chestnut-brown  +, paler  +
blackish  +, light-brown  +, paler  +
blackish  +, brown  +
green  +, straw-colored or dark-brown  +
blackish  +, brown  +
dark reddish-brown  +, light-brown  +
green  +, red-tinted  +, straw-colored  +
green  +, light-brown  +
green  +, tannish  +
green  +, light-brown  +
greenish  +
pale-brown  +
green  +, reddish-brown  +
reddish-brown  +, straw-colored  +
black  +, chestnut-brown  +
brownish  +, tan  +
brown  +, paler  +
light green  +, light pink or white  +
brownish  +
blackish  +, dark green  +
pale green  +, straw-colored  +
dark green  +
green  +, straw-colored  +
green  +, straw-colored  +
brown  +, chestnut-brown  +
brown  +, straw-colored  +
greenish  +
darker  +, tan  +
straw-colored  +
brown or reddish-brown  +, green  +
brown or reddish-brown  +, green  +
brown or reddish-brown  +, green  +
green  +, light-brown  +
straw-colored  +
greenish  +, tan  +
blackish  +, dark-brown  +
dark green  +, darker  +
light-brown  +
light-brown  +
yellowbrown  +
reddish-brown  +, straw-colored  +
greenish  +
dark reddish-brown  +
black  +, reddish  +
pale yellow-green  +
dark-brown  +, purplish brown  +
,  +, greenish with reddish or greenish with brown tinge  +
dark brownish  +
straw-colored  +
reddish-brown  +, straw-colored  +
black  +, brown  +
reddish  +, straw-colored  +
dark-brown  +, white  +
straw-colored  +
green  +, light-brown  +
greenish  +
straw-colored  +
light-brown  +
greenish  +, light-brown  +, reddish  +
straw-colored  +
light-brown  +
dark-brown  +, purplish brown  +
green  +, reddish  +
dark-brown  +
green  +
pale-brown  +
green  +, straw-colored  +
greenish  +
blackish  +, brown  +
pale  +, reddish-brown  +
greenish  +, straw-colored  +
reddish  +
greenish  +, reddish-brown  +
greenish  +
reddish-brown  +, straw-colored  +
greenish  +, pale-brown  +
darker  +, green  +
green  +, reddish  +, straw-colored  +
brownish  +
reddish  +
darker  +, pale-brown  +
darker  +, pale-brown  +
darker  +, pale-brown  +
green  +, reddish-brown  +
greenish  +, tinged red  +
green  +, reddish  +
green  +, reddish  +
green  +, reddish  +
greenish  +, tan  +
brown or reddish-brown  +, green  +
pale-yellow  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
white  +
white  +
green  +, white  +
green  +, white  +
green  +
pellucid-dotted  +, yellow  +
pellucid-dotted  +, yellow  +
pellucid-dotted  +, yellow  +
pellucid-dotted  +, yellow  +
green  +, white  +, yellow  +
dark-brown  +, pale  +
dark-brown  +, pale  +
dark-brown  +, pale  +
brown  +
dark reddish  +
dark-brown  +, pale  +
dark-brown  +
pale-brown with reddish tint  +
greenish  +, pale or dark-brown  +
dark-brown  +, reddish  +
brownish translucent  +
pinkish  +, whitish  +
chestnut-brown  +, pale-brown  +
chestnut-brown  +, pale-brown  +
chestnut-brown  +, pale-brown  +
chestnut-brown  +, pale-brown  +
clear  +, straw-colored  +
brown  +, pale-brown  +
dark-brown  +
brown  +, pale  +
dark-brown  +, pale  +
brown  +, dark purplish  +
creamy white  +, greenish  +, orange-yellow  +,
orange-yellow  +, yellow  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
white  +
pale-yellow or white;pink  +
rose;white  +
pink;rose  +
green;golden green  +
mahogany brown;green  +
yellowish green  +
green;greenish white;light yellow  +
light green;greenish yellow;olive green  +
dark reddish;greenish yellow  +
dark green;green;purplish maroon;chocolate brown adaxially  +
tinged with lilac;white;greenish white or bluish  +
bluish;whitish  +
greenish white  +
tinged with lilac;white  +
white;yellow  +
white;yellow  +
white;yellow  +
white;yellow  +
white;yellow  +
white;yellow  +
greenish  +, white  +
pale-yellow  +
fading  +, white  +
blue  +
dark blue  +
blue  +, white  +
pale blue  +
white;cream or tan  +
white;cream or tan  +
white;cream or tan  +
cream;white  +
white;cream or tan  +
white;cream or tan  +
white;cream or tan  +
yellow-green;tan  +
white  +
white;cream or tan  +
yellow-green  +
white;cream or tan  +
white;cream or tan  +
yellow-green  +
whitish;cream  +
magenta occasionally pink or white  +, reddish purple  +
magenta occasionally pink or white  +, reddish purple  +
magenta occasionally pink or white  +, reddish purple  +
magenta occasionally pink or white  +, reddish purple  +
white  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
yellowish  +
yellowish  +
yellowish  +
yellowish  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
white;yellowish  +
green  +, pinkish  +, yellow-green with yellow  +
green  +, red  +, white  +
green  +, purple  +
green  +, pink  +, punct  +, ,
coloration  +, green with pink  +, list  +, ,
green  +, reddish-brown  +
green usually with pink or green usually with red  +, white  +
pink  +, uniformly white  +
pink  +, uniformly white  +
green  +, tannish  +
green with yellowish  +, whitish green  +
pink  +, uniformly white  +
greenish  +
greenish  +, pink  +, white  +
pink  +, reddish-brown  +, white  +
reddish  +
pink  +, red  +, white  +
,  +, coloration  +, greenish yellow with greenish yellow or greenish yellow with yellow  +, ,
,  +, coloration  +, greenish yellow with greenish yellow or greenish yellow with yellow  +, ,
,  +, coloration  +, greenish yellow with greenish yellow or greenish yellow with yellow  +, ,
flushed with purple  +, greenish  +, reddish  +
flushed with purple  +, greenish white  +, greenish yellow  +
pink  +, white  +
pink  +, white  +
brownish  +, green  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
greenish white;greenish yellow  +
spotted with purple;creamy white  +
muddy;creamy white  +
creamy;greenish white  +
pale-yellow  +, pink  +, purple  +
greenish white;pale-pink;greenish white;pale-pink;yellowish white;white  +
greenish white;pale-pink  +
yellowish  +
greenish yellow  +
white;yellow-green  +
greenish purple;green;greenish purple;green;yellowish green  +
greenish purple;green;greenish purple;green;yellowish green  +
greenish purple;green;greenish purple;green;yellowish green  +
white;yellow  +
greenish white;white  +
bluish violet  +, light blue white lavender  +
blue  +, white  +
pale blue  +, violet  +, white  +
orange  +, yellow  +
bluish violet  +, purple or occasionally white  +
dark bluish violet or rarely purplish or white  +, light blue  +
light blue  +
bright-yellow  +
pale blue  +, white  +
bluish violet  +, pale blue  +
orange  +, yellow  +
dark bluish  +, violet  +
yellow  +, yellowish orange  +
blue  +, light bluish  +, violet  +
light bluish  +, pale blue  +, violet  +
blue  +, bluish violet  +
pale blue  +, whitish  +
dark bluish  +, light  +, violet  +
bluish violet  +, purple to dark reddish  +
deep bluish violet or occasionally purple  +, light  +
deep bluish violet or occasionally purple  +, light  +
deep bluish violet or occasionally purple  +, light  +
deep bluish violet or occasionally purple  +, light  +
deep bluish violet or occasionally purple  +, light  +
bluish violet or white  +, pale blue  +
light blue  +, usually deep bluish violet  +
orange  +, yellow  +
deep bluish violet  +, pale blue  +
bluish  +, lavender-pink  +, rosy purple magenta or white  +,
dark bluish  +, violet  +
dark bluish  +, violet  +
dark bluish  +, violet  +
bluish violet  +, dark blue  +, white  +
blue  +, light blue or light purple  +
bluish violet  +, purplish blue  +
bluish violet  +
lavender-rose  +, pink  +, yellow  +
blue  +, bluish violet  +
light bluish violet  +, pale blue  +, white  +
deep bluish violet  +, pale  +
deep bluish violet  +, pale blue  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
bronze  +, greenish  +, yellow  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
colored  +
bright orange  +, yellow  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
translucent;opaque white  +
white;greenish yellow  +
greenish;brownish purple  +
white;greenish yellow  +
white;greenish yellow  +
greenish yellow streaked or spotted with pale rose;reddish purple  +
wine-colored  +
dark red-purple  +, yellowish  +
yellowish  +
yellowish  +, yellowish-brown  +
yellowish  +, yellowish-brown  +
yellowish  +, yellowish-brown  +
cream;deep crimson  +
white;yellowish green  +
yellow-green  +
yellow-green  +
yellow-green  +
yellow-green  +
yellow-green  +
blotched  +
golden yellow  +
yellowish  +
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
green  +, greenish  +, reddish  +,
yellow;pale whitish  +
golden yellow  +
straw-yellow  +
greenish;pale-yellow  +
pale straw-yellow  +
purple;yellow;purple;yellow;green;off-white  +
purple;yellow;purple;yellow;green;off-white  +
greenish;creamy white  +
greenish;creamy white  +
yellow;white  +
creamy white;yellow  +
green;yellowish  +
green;yellowish green  +
orange  +, purple  +, red  +
orange  +, purple  +, red  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
creamy white  +
whitish;cream or tinged slightly with green or tinged slightly with purple  +
tinged;creamy white  +
brown;tinged pink;white;cream or greenish white  +
rosy purple;tinged rose;pale green  +
brown;tinged pink;white;cream or greenish white  +
greenish white  +
whitish;cream or tinged slightly with green or tinged slightly with purple  +
whitish;cream or tinged slightly with green or tinged slightly with purple  +
whitish;cream or tinged slightly with green or tinged slightly with purple  +
whitish;cream or tinged slightly with green or tinged slightly with purple  +
greenish white;cream  +
tinged pink;green  +
white;pale greenish  +
pink;tinged green;creamy white  +
pink;tinged green;creamy white  +
pink;tinged green;creamy white  +
white;greenish white  +
white;light greenish;creamy white;light greenish;creamy white;white  +
greenish white;white  +
tinged with purple;white;creamy white or greenish white  +
white;creamy white  +
greenish white;white  +
tinged purple;greenish yellow;yellow  +
rosy brown;tinged rose;greenish;cream  +
greenish white  +
purple;tinged pink;greenish white;white  +
greenish white  +
greenish white;white  +
white  +
greenish white;white  +
cream;white  +
whitish;cream or tinged slightly with green or tinged slightly with purple  +
tinged with purple;cream-colored  +
creamy white  +
cream colored  +
cream colored;greenish  +
cream colored;greenish  +
cream colored  +
cream colored  +
cream colored  +
white;cream colored  +
cream colored  +
tinged with purple;greenish  +
cream colored  +
cream colored  +
cream colored  +
tinged with purple;greenish  +