Property:Tip shape
imported>Volume Importer |
imported>Volume Importer |
(No difference)
Revision as of 23:49, 29 July 2020
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: tip
- Character: shape
- A subproperty of phyllary
- A Part of phyllary
Types of tip shape
Parts of tip shape
awnlike +
filiform +
awnlike +
subulate +
subulate +
subulate +
subulate +
subulate +
rounded +
aristate +
uncinate +
uncinate +
uncinate +
uncinate +
uncinate +
uncinate +
conic +
uncinate +
uncinate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
acute +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
acute +
mucronate +
acute +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
acute +
acuminate +
acuminate +
acuminate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
acute +
mucronate +
mucronate +
tapered +
subulate +
whip-like +
obtuse +
notched +
notched +
notched +
notched +
notched +
notched +
prow--shaped +
coralline +
coralline +
coralline +
coralline +
coralline +
coralline +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
cucullate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
ridged +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
denticulate +
filiform +
subulate +
subulate +
acuminate +
rounded +
dilated +
knoblike +
erose-denticulate +
erose-denticulate +
erose-denticulate +
erose-denticulate +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
obtuse +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
acute +
short-acute +
obtuse +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
obtuse +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
short-acute +
acute +
obtuse +
acuminate +
acuminate +
obtuse +
acuminate +
acuminate +
long-acuminate +
acuminate +
acuminate +
obtuse +
acuminate +
acuminate +
acuminate +
acute +
acute +
acuminate +
obtuse +
compressed +
not 2-fid +
2-fid +
not 2-fid +
2-fid +
acute +
elongate +
rounded +
subulate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
mucronate +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
outcurved +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
sharp-pointed +
rounded +
sharp-pointed +
spinelike +
spinelike +
terete +
acuminate +
acuminate +
acute +
acuminate +
acute +
filiform +
filiform +
subulate +
filiform +
mucronate +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
blunt +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
toothlike +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
ovatelanceolate +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
filiform +
mucronate +
blunt +
acute +
acute +
dilated +
dilated +
acuminate +
acuminate +
pointed +
notched +
notched +
notched +
2-fid +
hooked +
lanceolate +
ovate;broadly lanceolate +
not curled +
not curled +
not curled +
curled +
acuminate +
blunt +
cuplike +
cuplike +
cuplike +
hornlike +
hornlike +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
outcurved +
outcurved +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
awnlike +
acute +
blunt +
cuplike +
cuplike +
toothed +
mucronate +
glandular-mucronate +
retuse +
not hooked +
hooked +
not hooked +
not hooked +
not hooked +
not hooked +
hooked +
hooked +
hooked +
hooked +
hooked +
hooked +
triangular +
triangular +
blunt +
blunt +
bifurcate +
bifurcate +
bifurcate +
bifurcate +
bifurcate +
bifurcate +
bifurcate +
spinelike +
acute +
obtuse +
obtuse +
acuminate +
acuminate +
acuminate +
tapering +
acuminate +
acuminate +
acuminate +
toothed +
blunt +
oval;nearly round +
blunt +
acute +
mucronate +
acute +
mucronate +
acute +
obtuse +
obtuse +
acute-attenuate +
filiform +
hooked +
hooked +
outcurved +
tapered +
blunt +
blunt +
broadly oblong-ovate;nearly deltate-obovate +
deltate-ovate;oblong-ovate +
triangular +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
pointed +
pointed +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
pointed +
pointed +
rounded +
pointed +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
rounded +
2-fid +
few-toothed +
rounded +
acute +
rounded +
acutish +
muticous-mucronulate +
acute +
acute +
rounded +
acute +
acute +
acute +
acute +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
swollen +
blunt +
mucronulate +
mucronulate +
mucronulate +
acute +
campanulate +
rounded +
campanulate +
acuminate +
fusiform +
fusiform +
fusiform +
fusiform +
fusiform +
fusiform +
fusiform +
notched +
notched +
rounded +
rounded +
acute +
acute +
acute +
acuminate +
pointed +
pointed +
pointed +
hooked +
hooked +
hooked +
ovatelanceolate +
ovatelanceolate +
blunt +
awnlike +