Property:Cell architecture

imported>Volume Importer
imported>Volume Importer
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:27, 30 July 2020

Types of cell architecture


Parts of cell architecture


Showing 839 pages using this property.
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
fine-meshed  +, open  +, regular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
regular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
regular  +
regular  +
regular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
cellular  +
fine-meshed  +, open  +, regular  +
regular  +
cellular  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
porose  +, thick-walled  +
sinuose  +, thick-walled  +
excavate  +
collenchymatous  +
porose  +
porose  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
thin-walled  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
non-stereid  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
revoluble  +
revoluble  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +
excavate  +
1-stratose  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
revoluble  +
1-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
revoluble  +
revoluble  +
excavate  +
multicellular  +
multicellular  +
multicellular  +
unicellular  +
unicellular  +
unicellular  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
not thick-walled  +
not thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +
1-stratose  +
1-stratose  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +, sometimes  +
2-stratose  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +, multistratose  +
2-stratose  +, multistratose  +
2-stratose  +, multistratose  +
1-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +, 3-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
1-stratose  +
2-stratose  +
1-stratose  +, with a few 2-stratose regions  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +, entire  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
2-stratose  +
thick-walled  +
bulbous  +
collenchymatous  +
collenchymatous  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
2-stratose  +, 5-stratose  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
1-3-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
1-2-stratose  +, limbidial  +
2-3-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thin-walled  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +, limbidial  +
1-stratose  +, 2-stratose  +, limbidial  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
collenchymatous  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
excavate  +
vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thin-walled  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +
excavate  +
branched  +, multicellular  +
branched  +, multicellular  +
branched  +, multicellular  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
empty  +, porose  +, thin-walled  +
empty  +, porose  +, thin-walled  +
empty  +, porose  +, thin-walled  +
empty  +, porose  +, thin-walled  +
empty  +, porose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
parenchymatous  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
percurrent  +, short-excurrent  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
sharp-tipped  +
not sinuose  +, sinuose  +, thick-walled  +,
straight-walled  +, thin-walled  +
straight-walled  +, thin-walled  +
straight-walled  +, thin-walled  +
sinuose-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
firm-walled  +, not sinuose  +, thin-walled  +
not sinuose  +, thick-walled  +
straight-walled  +
not sinuose  +, sinuose  +, thick-walled  +,
not sinuose  +, sinuose  +, thick-walled  +,
empty  +, porose  +
empty  +, porose  +
thick-walled  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
1-stratose  +
1-stratose  +
collenchymatous  +
collenchymatous  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +, walled  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +, walled  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +, walled  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +, walled  +
thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +, walled  +
collenchymatous  +
excavate  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
excavate  +
not sinuose  +
not sinuose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
branching  +
parenchymatous  +, thick-walled  +
parenchymatous  +, thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
tanniferous  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
firm-walled  +, thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
firm-walled  +, thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
firm-walled  +, thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
firm-walled  +, thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
firm-walled  +, thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
collenchymatous  +
collenchymatous  +
collenchymatous  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
collenchymatous  +, thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +, vesiculose  +
porose  +
excavate  +
2-stratose  +, vesiculose  +
2-stratose  +, vesiculose  +
2-stratose  +, vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +, thin-walled  +, vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
not vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +
thicker-walled  +, twisted  +, vesiculose  +
thicker-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
thin-walled  +
excavate  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
thick-walled  +
excavate  +
spicular  +
spicular  +
spicular  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +
vesiculose  +