Property:Peduncle architecture
imported>Volume Importer |
imported>Volume Importer |
Revision as of 09:00, 30 July 2020
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: peduncle
- Character: architecture
- A subproperty of inflorescence
- A Part of inflorescence
Types of peduncle architecture
Parts of peduncle architecture
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
many-flowered +
2-3-flowered +
ebracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
awnless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
not bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
not bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
not bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
not bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
spiny-winged +
unwinged +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
prophyllate +
eglandular +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
leafy-bracted +
naked +
bracted +
naked +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
leafy-bracted +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bractless +
bractless +
bractless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bractless +
bractless +
bractless +
bractless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bractless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
awnless +
awnless +
leafless +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
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not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
eglandular +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
eglandular +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
pistillate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
awnless +
awnless +
branching +
bracteate +
7-flowered +
7-flowered +
eglandular +
eglandular +
subsessile +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
not bracteate +
bractless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
eglandular +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
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bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
jointed +
jointed +
jointed +
jointed +
jointed +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteate +
pistillate +
branched +
branched +
branched +
awnless +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
pistillate +
ebracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
leafy +
branched +
leafy +
leafy +
unbranched +
leafy +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
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bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
coiled +
eglandular +
eglandular +
ebracteate +
awnless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteate +
awnless +
awnless +
prickly +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
prickly +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
not bracteate +
not bracteate +
sessile +
sessile +
awnless +
2-10(-15)-flowered +
2-3(-4)-flowered +
1-3(-5)-flowered +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
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awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
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bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
awnless +
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awnless +
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awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
awnless +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
open +
not open +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
stubby-bracteolate +
bracteate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
sessile +
sessile +
sessile +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
bracteolate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
eglandular +
bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
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bracteate +
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bracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
appressed-bracteate +
bracteate +
secund +
subsessile +
subsessile +
subsessile +
secund +
bracteate +
subsessile +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
not jointed +
not jointed +
not jointed +
not jointed +
not jointed +
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not jointed +
leafless +
ebracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
stipitate +
bracteate +
ebracteate +
bracteate +
pistillate +
pistillate +
pistillate +