Property:Seed relief

Revision as of 12:46, 30 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer

Types of seed relief


Parts of seed relief


Showing 2228 pages using this property.
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
papillate  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
scabridulous  +
muriculate  +
pitted  +
tuberculate  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
ornamented  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillose  +
not  +, tuberculate  +
not  +, tuberculate  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
punctate  +, smooth  +
punctate  +, smooth  +
punctate  +, smooth  +
punctulate  +
papillate;alveolate  +
papillate;alveolate  +
papillate;alveolate  +
papillate;alveolate  +
papillate;alveolate  +
minutely  +, papillate  +
minutely  +, papillate  +
minutely  +, papillate  +
reticulate-alveolate  +
papillose  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
rounded-tuberculate  +
rugulose  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
low-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
striate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
rugose-roughened  +, papillate  +
smooth  +, slightly papillate  +
smooth  +, slightly papillate  +
smooth  +, slightly papillate  +
alveolate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
wrinkled  +, striate  +
wrinkled  +, striate  +
rugulose  +
tuberculate  +, wrinkled  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
papillate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
reticulate-pitted  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
papillose  +
scaly-tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, minutely tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
not pebbly  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, faintly alveolate  +
pitted  +, rugose  +
papillose  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
decorated  +
decorated  +
papillate  +
rugulose  +, not papillate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
rugulose  +, not papillate  +
prickly-papillate  +
rugulose  +, not papillate  +
papillate  +
not papillate  +
papillate  +
smooth  +, minutely rugulose  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
verruculose  +, rugulose  +, striate  +,
verruculose  +, rugulose  +, striate  +,
verruculose  +, rugulose  +, striate  +,
cristate-tuberculate  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
granular  +, rugose  +
long-papillate  +
long-papillate  +
cellular-rugulose  +
cellular-rugulose  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
not ringed  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
papillose-striate  +, papillate  +
reticulate-alveolate  +
reticulate-alveolate  +
reticulate-alveolate  +
reticulate-alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
tuberculate  +
papillose-corrugated  +
papillose  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
rugulose  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +, low-tuberculate  +
papillate  +, low-tuberculate  +
papillate  +, low-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
sculptured  +
sculptured  +
not papillate  +
sculptured  +
spiny-papillate  +
sculptured  +
papillate  +, rugulose  +, reticulate  +
papillate  +
sculptured  +
sculptured  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
pitted  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
wrinkled  +
rugose-tuberculate  +
alveolate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, slightly wrinkled  +
smooth  +, slightly wrinkled  +
smooth  +, slightly wrinkled  +
pitted to almost  +, pitted  +
rarely  +, smooth  +, rugulose  +
small-pitted  +
smooth  +, rugose  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +, large-pitted  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
low-tuberculate  +
wrinkled  +
minute-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, pitted  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, slightly wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
tuberculate  +
with 3-6 low transverse ridges  +, rugulose  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
small-pitted  +
pitted  +
smooth  +, wrinkled or alveolate  +
foveolate  +
wrinkled  +, smooth  +
vermiculate-rugose  +
smooth  +, rugose  +
with indistinct , irregular , low transverse ridges  +, rugose  +
roughened  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, faintly transverse-wrinkled  +
low-tuberculate  +
wrinkled  +, smooth  +
rugulose  +
pitted to almost  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, dimpled  +
pitted to almost  +, pitted  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
muriculate  +
muriculate  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
rugose  +
reticulate-pitted  +
reticulate-pitted  +
reticulate-pitted  +
smooth;tuberculate  +
papillate  +
smooth;tuberculate  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
rugose  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
papillose-verrucose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
verrucose-papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
verrucose-papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
not  +, papillose  +
papillose  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
smooth  +, minutely papillate  +
rugulose  +
scabridulous  +
muricate  +, tuberculate  +
muricate  +, tuberculate  +
muricate  +
muricate  +
muricate  +
muricate  +
muricate  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
pitted  +, wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +
pitted  +
wrinkled  +
pebbled  +
pitted  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
alveolate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
cristate-tuberculate  +
cristate-tuberculate  +
rugulose  +
rugulose  +
sculptured  +
sculptured  +
sculptured  +
sculptured  +
sculptured  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
muricate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
tuberculate  +, wrinkled  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, wrinkled  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, wrinkled  +
wrinkled  +, smooth  +
wrinkled  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
smooth;roughened  +
tuberculate  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
raised-reticulate  +, pitted  +
raised-reticulate  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +
papillose  +
smooth  +, minutely tuberculate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
scupltured  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
sculptured  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
muriculate-papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
low-tuberculate  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +, smooth  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
smooth  +, minutely tuberculate  +
smooth  +, minutely tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, minutely tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
wrinkled  +, reticulate  +
wrinkled  +, reticulate  +
wrinkled  +, reticulate  +
wrinkled  +, reticulate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
smooth  +, lumpy  +
smooth  +, lumpy  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, rugose  +, papillose  +
smooth  +, rugose  +, papillose  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
not rugose  +, papillate  +
not rugose  +, papillate  +
not rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
not rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
rugose  +
rugose  +
reticulate  +, papillate  +
reticulate  +, papillate  +
tuberculate  +
reticulate  +, papillate  +
reticulate  +, papillate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
corrugate-rugulose  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
verrucose  +
verrucose  +
papillate  +
tuberculate-rugose  +, roughened  +
tuberculate-rugose  +, roughened  +
tuberculate-rugose  +, roughened  +
pebbled  +
pebbled  +
rugulose  +
granular  +, papillate  +
granular  +, papillate  +
granular  +, papillate  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
smooth  +, rugose  +, papillose  +
papillose  +
smooth  +, rugose  +, papillose  +
smooth  +, rugose  +, papillose  +
undulate-rugose  +
smooth  +, rugose  +, papillose  +
reticulate-pitted  +
papillose  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
foveolate  +
foveolate  +
reticulate-foveolate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
foveolate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
colliculate  +
foveolate  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
papillose  +, pebbled  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
pebbled  +, strongly tuberculate  +
pebbled  +, strongly tuberculate  +
smooth  +, slightly pebbled  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
pebbled  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, slightly pebbled  +
,  +, pebbled  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
pebbled  +, smooth  +
pebbled  +, smooth  +
pebbled  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, pebbled  +
smooth  +, slightly pebbled  +
smooth  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
reticulate  +, alveolate  +
reticulate  +, alveolate  +
reticulate  +, alveolate  +
reticulate  +, alveolate  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +, reticulate-tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +, smooth  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
smooth;slightly rugose  +
rugose  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
reticulate-papillose  +, reticulate  +
rugose  +, smooth  +
rugose  +, smooth  +
rugose  +, smooth  +
rugose  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +
papillate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
verrucate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
wrinkled  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate-tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +
verrucate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +, shallowly tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
rugose  +
papillate  +
rugose  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
spinose-papillate  +
papillate  +
verrucate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +, tuberculate  +
rugulose  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, minutely roughened  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
not papillate  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
not papillate  +, sculpturing of parallel , wavy lines  +, smooth  +,
smooth  +, faintly tuberculate  +
not papillate  +, sculpturing of parallel , wavy lines  +, smooth  +,
not papillate  +, sculpturing of parallel , wavy lines  +, smooth  +,
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
smooth  +, variously sculptured  +
sculptured  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
tuberculate  +
rugose  +, smooth  +
rugulose  +, smooth  +
tuberculate  +, smooth  +
sulcate-papillate  +
rugose  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
tuberculate  +
papillose  +
smooth  +, slightly rugose  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
shallowly tuberculate  +, smooth  +
shallowly tuberculate  +, smooth  +
shallowly tuberculate  +, smooth  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
rugose  +, papillate  +
tuberculate  +
tuberculate  +
papillate  +
tuberculate  +
sulcate-papillate  +
rugulose  +
reticulate-rugose  +
reticulate-rugose  +
reticulate-pitted  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
sculptured  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
sculptured  +, smooth  +
papillate  +
papillose  +, pitted  +
papillose  +
tuberculate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
papillose  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
papillate  +
alveolate  +
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +, cellular-rugulose  +, tuberculate  +, ,
muricate  +
muricate  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
papillate  +, smooth  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
pitted  +
papillose  +
papillose  +
papillate  +
papillate  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, pitted  +
rugose  +, wrinkled  +
reticulate-verrucate  +
rugose  +, rugulose  +
cristate-rugose  +
rugose  +
rugulose  +
smooth  +, more or less rugulose  +
crossridged  +
rugose  +
rugose  +